Tackling Europe's Mental Health Crisis

Economist Impact

Past Event

Sunday, May 22, 2022
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC)

Registration Required


Economist Impact




Mental Health & Wellness

Depression is one of the most prevalent disorders around the world, not only impacting individuals, their quality of life and often socioeconomic status, but also society as a whole. A recent (2021) study of 27 European countries published in The Lancet Public Health evaluated the prevalence of depression to be at 6.4% of the European population. Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation (WHO) cites depression and anxiety as the causes of up to 50% of chronic sick leave and a significant drain on productivity, estimating the overall cost of mood disorders and anxiety in the EU to be about €170 billion per year.

With further exacerbation over the course of the pandemic not yet quantified, the need to holistically raise awareness, reduce stigma, improve health-care service access and support, and optimise the patient pathway is paramount. How can policy makers and health-care providers address the root causes of depression, prioritise innovation for change, and share learning to accelerate progress?

Join Economist Impact for “Tackling Europe’s mental health crisis”, a virtual event sponsored by Janssen, to hear how other countries are tackling depression and what priority actions could improve depression care pathways across Europe.

Key questions to be addressed include:

  • Where should policy makers focus their attention for the biggest positive impact on tackling depression across Europe?
  • How are countries successfully identifying inequalities in care and outcomes, and then promoting awareness and access to support?
  • How can digital solutions be better leveraged for patient access and self-management?
  • What should be advocated as the ideal standard of patient care for the future depression care pathway?


Economist Impact