Opportunities and challenges of a data-based circular economy: a systemic view on traceability - WCEF2021 Accelerator Session

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Part of World Circular Economy Forum 2021

Past Event

Wednesday, Sep 15, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (UTC)

Registration Required


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland




Data & Technology

Sustainable Development

UNGA Guide

We need data to circulate materials in a sustainable economy. But data comes with its own material footprint and does not automatically guarantee circularity. Efforts to digitalise the circular economy are plentiful at the grassroots level. However, to succeed in introducing data-based technological solutions to the circular economy, we must understand the big picture. This event offers forward-looking keynotes and an interactive panel discussion with views on the industry, data sharing, technology and policy related to one example of a data-based circular phenomenon: traceability. The reality of sharing critical product and service information is complicated as those involved often lack both the appropriate data sharing tools and the willingness to share the needed information. In addition, the digital transformation increases economies’ energy needs that should be met with green energy solutions. The raw materials needed in electrification are becoming critical, complicating the prospects of a data-based circular economy. Achieving the benefits of data-based circular solutions requires understanding the big picture and the challenges of the digital transformation. What is happening and what still needs to happen at the systemic level? Join us to learn more and discuss the opportunities. This event is an Accelerator Session at the World Circular Economy Forum 2021.


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland